Sunday, August 23, 2009

Happy Early Birthday, Baby Bec!

Thought I would give a shout out to my Baby Bec who isn't much of a baby anymore. Rebecca is turning 5 on Friday. Rebecca is my first born and the most beautiful baby girl ever. Yes, I am biased and I will say the same thing about my other baby girl too, because I can. Anyway, Rebecca is so smart and funny. She surprises me with something new everyday. Sometimes it isn't a good new surprise, but nonetheless a surprise. There are days that I sit back and look and think "wow she looks just like me, but acts just like her father!"

Rebecca has learned a lot this last year. She has learned to write her name really well, write other letters, ride her bike, drive a car (well a kid car), swing on a swing by pumping her legs and much more that I can't think of right now.

This year we decided to buy Rebecca house. She gets a house for her birthday. Who gets a house for her birthday? Rebecca does. We are moving to our new house on Friday. I will finally have my family all under one roof all of the time. It will be a good move and I am looking forward to getting settled. I am going to be busy for the rest of the week. The movers are coming to pack us up on Wednesday, Thursday they are going to load the truck and the Friday we unpack.

My next post will have pictures of the new house and I promise to get back to writing more often. This summer has been crazy and I am glad that everything is finally settling down and getting back to what I call normal.

Happy 5th Birthday, Rebecca Glenn!

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