Sunday, September 14, 2008

Pacifier Update

It has been 24 days since I took away Annie's pacifier. It has been a long 24 days, but a successful 24 days. There were many, many times I wanted to give her the pacifier, but knew that if I went down that road I would regret it. I stuck to my guns and held out and we have had success!

I have noticed that Annie has had to learn a different method to sooth herself to get to sleep. So, you can imagine how my nights have been in the last 24 days, not good. I have just gotten Annie to take naps again. Bedtime is still a struggle, but is slowly getting better. I have tried many methods such as rocking her, letting her sleep on the couch, putting her in bed with Rebecca and a few more. Annie has gotten in the habit of not going to bed easily and has taken that ability and ran with it. I am not so sure it is a pacifier issue anymore. I think she is just getting in the norm of not going to bed good. And of course Rebecca picks up on this and does her best not to go to bed easy either. If anyone says that being a mom was easy, they were poorly informed.

24 days ago, I started on this journey that I had no idea how it would turn out, but had hopes that it would not be too unbearable to get the job done. I have accomplished what I set out to do and now am maintaining the work I have done. This is just a little reward of a job well done that mommies need every once in a while to keep going and striving to teach their children well.

My next adventure is potty training. I hate this one. One down, one to go. Annie has shown me that she may be easier than Rebecca, but we still aren't there yet. Once I get potty training completed, I will let you know. It is a gradual process but a really rewarding and a money saver too.

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