Thursday, May 1, 2008


So, I thought I would throw out a little blog while I am waiting for the girls to finish their breakfast. Thought I would update you on a couple of things that I have previously posted about.

First, my brother, Tyson. He is doing much, much better. They have moved him out of the ICU and found an antibiotic that works for his type of infection. The doctors have him walking the halls about 4 times a day, to get him moving again. He also has to blow into that machine thing to strengthen his lungs after his surgery. Since they moved him into a regular room, Tyson will be able to use his computer and see all the wonderful things I am saying about him and of course check his email and such. I have not heard when he will be released to go home, but hopefully it will be soon. I know he can't stand just sitting in the hospital. Oh and his kids will be able to come see him since he is not in ICU anymore.

Second, Annie's pacifier. She only gets the pacifier at night and during naps. The withdrawals are much, much better. She is not cranky or agitated like she was in the beginning. Whenever Annie gets hurt or something sets her off she comes over to me and asks for it. It was definitely a comforting factor for her. When she does this I try to get her to get comfort from her little stuffed bunny. Seems to work for the most part. For some reason she has been a night owl. She goes to bed at her normal time and then is up for at least a couple of hours. Last night I told her if she didn't stay in her bed, I was going to take her pacifier away and that worked.

Third, I am getting lasik surgery next week. I know I have not written about this yet. I have an appointment today for all the pre-op testing and other stuff they will do. I am very nervous, but really excited too. I am going to be able to wake up in the morning and see my alarm clock without my glasses. I will be able to watch TV, drive, wear my sunglasses without my glasses or contacts. I will update on this subject later.

Now, I have to get Rebecca to school and go do my workout. Looking forward to being kidless for about an hour!

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