Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Has Anyone Seen My Sanity???

Okay, I think my title says it all. The terrible two's have struck our household and has slowly and painfully chased my sanity out the door. This has got to be the worst way to lose your mind.... slowly. You are very aware that it is happening to you and you try to muster up some strength to hold on for dear life, but then it just can't take it anymore and heads out the door. I just wish I could let my body follow it and re-group.

This is day 3 of the no "Bink" situation. I think that is playing a huge, huge role in the whole tense atmosphere in my house. Annie has just been a bear (and I am being so nice by using this word instead of so many others that come to mind) lately and just agitated. It is like the pacifiers have caffeine or nicotine on them and she is going through withdrawals.

Today, my dear friend Laura and I went to lunch and of course we had to bring the kiddos. So, we had a nice pleasant lunch and then we let the kids play in the play area, while I got some venting out. It sure is nice to have friends to talk to at these very trying times. My sanity enjoyed that a lot. So, before I knew what was going on, Annie was in the middle of a meltdown over a french fry (or I think that was what it was over). She was screaming and refusing to put her shoes on. I am really trying not to make eye contact with anyone for fear of some dirty looks. So, I am carrying Annie out of the restaurant kicking and screaming and at that moment I lost my sanity.

We made it home and I am sitting in the quietest house ever trying to mend my frazzled nerves. I am re-thinking the "Bink" situation. I am just about to give in and try it again later. Both girls are taking naps. They will be up soon and I will have to do it all over again. I am so envious of my friends that have family close by to help. That is the only down fall to living here in Texas.

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