Thursday, April 3, 2008

Three's A Crowd

Okay, in my previous post I explained what our weekly routine was. Well, we have a new twist to our routine. I started watching a little boy occasionally. I have watched him total of 3 days, not in a row but sporadically. Anyway, the first two times watching Tyler were on days that I didn't have anything scheduled so we didn't go anywhere, until today.

Today, is Thursday and Rebecca has school. So, I loaded up the kids early so, just in case anything came up, we would not be late. Everything went smoothly until I took Rebecca to the bathroom before her class started. Annie and Tyler are in the double stroller while I am helping Rebecca go to the bathroom on an automatic flushing toilet. Okay, so I put Rebecca on the toilet and cover the sensor with my hand so the toilet won't flush and scare the poor child out of ever using the toilet again. Well, Rebecca was just doing what she was told, but she ended up peeing on her pants while sitting on the toilet. The stream just didn't want to land in the toilet. So, I am telling Rebecca to stop and she can't, of course. So, Rebecca gets finished and we pull up her pants and they are pretty wet. Hmmm. I didn't bring another change of clothes for her because she hadn't ever needed a pair of clothes before and that is just one more thing I have to remember and lug around. So, before her class I talked to her teacher about it and she said she doesn't mind if she still comes to class, but of course Rebecca was like no way, I'm wet.

So, instead of going all the way home for a change of clothes, I ran by target and purchased Dora panties and some pants. During the shopping trip I was thinking this is me with 3 kids. I had Rebecca and Annie riding in the back part of the basket and Tyler in the front. The girls were pushing and fussing in the back at each other and I was constantly telling one of them or both of them to sit down. I was ready to pull my hair out. It wasn't because I had a 3rd kid with me it was just the events of the day and it wasn't even 9:30 in the morning yet.

I just confirmed my plans to having no more children. Having Tyler here has definitely made me see my future with 3 and I didn't like what I saw. It was lugging 3 kids in the car, putting their seat belts on, getting them out of the car, putting 2 in a stroller and fussing at the 3rd one to be okay with walking. Then after picking up Rebecca from school walking to the car, thinking I should have gotten the stroller out, because Annie is going one way Rebecca is going another while I was carrying Tyler. It took entirely too long with much frustration getting the 3 in the car. Tyler being the easiest. So, can't you see that with 2, my hands are already full. It is hard to make my two listen to me when I just can't grab them and make them go where I need them to go while carrying a baby.

No pictures today.

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