Thursday, April 23, 2009

Annie Bananie

Today my sweet baby girl turned 3. It is hard to believe that I don't have a little baby anymore, but a little girl. Annie surprises me everyday. If it isn't something she does, it is something she says. This girl cracks me up and keeps me on my toes.

It seems just like yesterday when I was in labor with her and she was the cutest baby ever. And now she is going to pre-school and talking and talking and well, talking. This last year Annie has grown up so much. Annie stopped taking a pacifier, by force, but none the less she got rid of something that made her seem more like a baby. She is potty trained and what an awesome reward that is to me, as her mother, the one who changed 99% of her diapers.

A bit about Annie. Annie is smart, witty, cuddly, and full of energy. I am so blessed to have such a sweetie for a daughter.

Both my daughters bring me pure joy and endless laughter in my life. Not one day goes by where I can't imagine my life without my girls.

Happy 3rd Birthday, Annie Bananie! I love you and look forward to the years to come.

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